The only global patent with 97.2% efficacy in clinical trials for erectile dysfunction reversal

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What Is REGENmax?

Sexual function plays a large role in a person's overall health and wellness. Increasing awareness of this factor among your patients can be essential for their general well-being. An estimated 30 million men in the United States suffer from some form of erectile dysfunction (ED). One in ten women has a diagnosable condition related to sexual dysfunction. These staggering statistics indicate that sexual dysfunction affects the lives of numerous Americans, leaving many searching for a viable answer to this common yet concerning problem.

REGENmax is the ultimate sexual wellness solution designed to treat the common causes of sexual dysfunction in men and women. Developed by distinguished Ph.Ds. and M.D.s, this patented, multi-modality treatment protocol from Sexual Wellness Centers of America is a revolutionary way to address sexual dysfunction and improve sexual wellness without surgery or invasive procedures. A combination of advanced acoustic wave therapy, tissue regenerative factors (TRF), laser therapy, and hormone replacement, REGENmax has proven to be a safe, effective approach to treating sexual dysfunction in up to 98% of patients.

What Causes Sexual Dysfunction in Men?

Common causes of erectile dysfunction in men may include:

  • Reduced blood flow to the penis is the most common cause of erectile dysfunction. Altered neural function is generally regarded as the second common cause of ED, although its contribution is commonly underestimated as it is difficult to assess.¹
  • Aging negatively impacts the cavernous tissue and the tunica albuginea in the penis. Additionally, as one ages, atherosclerosis in the penile vessels leads to reduced oxygen levels in the penis.
  • A reduction in smooth muscle cells was shown in relation to a diminution of oxygen tension. Chronic ischemia is, therefore, not only associated with fibrosis but also with nitric oxide-cyclic guanosine monophosphate reduction. With age, the sensitivity of the a-adrenoceptors on the smooth muscle cells become heightened.
  • The reduction in penile elasticity and compliance can be attributed to age-related changes in the penile collagen ratio.


¹Ahmed Shafik: moc.kifahsdemha@kifahs; Ismail Ahmed: moc.kifahsdemha@kifahs; Olfat El Sibai: moc.kifahsdemha@kifahs; Ali A Shafik: moc.kifahsdemha@kifahs.

What Causes Sexual Dysfunction in Women?

Common causes of sexual dysfunction in women may include:

  • Vaginal atrophy (atrophic vaginitis) is thinning, drying, and inflammation of the vaginal walls that may occur when the body has less estrogen. It arises most often after menopause. For many women, vaginal atrophy not only makes intercourse painful but also leads to distressing urinary symptoms.²
  • Clitoral atrophy refers to the diminished responsiveness of the clitoris to sexual stimulation, leading to a decrease in its functionality. In some cases, the clitoris can even become less visible or apparent. This condition can arise from hormonal shifts or insufficient blood circulation to the vagina and clitoris. The loss of blood flow may be the result of infrequent use.²
  • Vaginal relaxation syndrome is a change in the proper functioning of the vagina. It is commonly seen in women who have experienced childbirth one or more times. This pathology can also be associated with obesity, hormonal changes, and natural aging. Vaginal relaxation syndrome causes various symptoms, such as a lack of sexual pleasure or urinary incontinence.


²May 2019, Mayo Clinic.

I'm so greatful to have found SWC of TX! The REGENmax program has worked fantastic. The results have been wonderful and I'm feeling like my once younger self again! I even signed up for the annual maintenace package to ensure the results last well into the future. I highly recommend this program and practice!

T.C. Google

I went to SWC if Texas and met Jeff and his staff, they made me feel comfortable about my ED issues. I got the complete package and I must say, they did a great job getting me on track and at 59, it’s the best I’ve felt. I perform like I’m in my twenties, to the point my wife said, “put that thing away”. Although the package I chose is very expensive, it’s an investment in my life and I have conquered ED. It’s worth it, and I encourage any of you guys that have suffered from ED, to make that investment. It’s worth it. Thanks again to Jeff and his staff. They’re my heroes.

A.L. Google


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Enhanced Sexual Wellness for Your Patients

Rooted in physical, psychological, and relational factors, sexual dysfunction can lead to a lack of interest, sensation, discomfort, and other concerns surrounding sexual performance and satisfaction. REGENmax can help. Discover how adding REGENmax to your practice services can improve the sexual health and wellness of your patients. Contact Sexual Wellness Centers of America today to learn more or to become a REGENmax provider.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.